Modular Synthesis School Program Amsterdam
* Modular Sound Synthesis On the Moon Guide book + The Platform access
* Given System | individual system for the whole program time*
* Individual DIY kit
* VCV-rack introduction and adaptation of every patch in the book
* 360RA WalkMix license for the time of classes
* Five Months of Classes
* Workshops from top international artists
Month I
Class 1: A beginning, Algorithm of Actions + Introduction
Class 2: Physics of Sound + Eurorack // additional introduction to VCV-rack
Class 3: Given Systems Analyse + Signal Generators | VCO, LFO //
hardware plus patches in VCV-rack
Class 4: Signal Modifiers | VCF // hardware plus patches in VCV-rack
Class 5: Signal Controllers: EG (ADSR) // hardware plus patches in VCV-rack
Month II
Class 6: Signal Modifiers: VCA // hardware plus patches in VCV-rack
Class 7: Signal Controllers | Clocks, CV, Trig, Sequencer, Arpeggiator, Tracker // hardware plus patches in VCV-rack
Class 8: Linear, Logarithmic and Exponential control signals + Complex Patches Practice // hardware plus patches in VCV-rack
Class 9: Patching the Bigger System // hardware plus patches in VCV-rack
Month III
Class 10: Other modules and their function // hardware plus patches in VCV-rack
Class 11: Synthesis Methods // hardware plus patches in VCV-rack
Class 12: Practice of Synthesis Methods // hardware plus patches in VCV-rack
Class 13: Multilayering // hardware plus patches in VCV-rack
Month IV
Class 14: Interfacing or Hybrid Systems // hardware
Class 15: Modular in a context of Studio Work // hardware
Class 16: Music Recording and Post Processing // hardware
Class 17: Preparation to Live Performance in different genres // hardware
Class 18: Live Performance Mode // hardware
Month V
Class 19: Kyma Pacarana introduction
Class 20: 360RA WalkMix Sound Design
Class 21: Basic Electronics, DIY I
Class 22: DIY II
Class 23: Your Own System Prototype + Safety and Graduation
BONUS: Party
* the system is available in classes only, yet can be take home to practice if deposit is submitted. Contact your curator for more details.